
At the request of many and with the help of others, we finally have our website up and running. We’re excited to use this platform to share our journey of walking in step with the God of the nations and to provide you with helpful resources to continue your journey of living more consistently in step with Him. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Click here to learn more about In Step, and contact us here if you have any questions, comments, or simple salutations. We’re so thankful for the opportunity to help you flourish on mission with God out of an abiding relationship with Him. This blog is mostly Al’s writing, and we’ll indicate when Elizabeth is writing. We primarily address global workers (people who serve cross-culturally) and those who serve global workers, but most of our blog applies to any Christ-follower’s journey.

We will share a song with you at the end of each blog post to help you create a space of reflection and worship. For this initial post, we offer Who You Say I Am by Hillsong because a core principle of In Step is for you to increasingly understand your identity as a child of God and live and serve consistently out of that identity.


El Camino and Lifelong Development